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Tēma: Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.

25. Aug 2024, 13:50 #9601

Kopš: 26. Apr 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6388

Braucu ar:

25 Aug 2024, 13:46:05 @mrCage rakstīja:
Ja Durovu būtu arestējuši Krievijā ,tad šodien būtu pilna infotelpa ar Rietumu nosodijumu un acinājumiem atbrīvot cīnītāju par vārda brīvību .

Visi rietumu līderi tegotu #freeDurov .

Krievijas troļļu fermas to visu radītu, ne kāds cits. ASV vispār tikai retais zina, kas tā tāda par programmu. Ja zina, tad visticamāk tieši nelegālu interešu dēļ.
25. Aug 2024, 15:00 #9602

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4783

Braucu ar:

Da pooh tas durivs. Viens vairāk, viens mazāk.
25. Aug 2024, 15:27 #9603

Kopš: 08. Jul 2015

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 236

Braucu ar: BMW 320d (E46)

25 Aug 2024, 12:14:54 @kkas rakstīja:
Iemainīs čali pret kko. Telegrams krieviem ir pārāk vērtīgs un vienīgais. Vēl X kā izrādās līdzinvestori ir deripaska, avens un co...

Gan jau. Orklandē vai Buļbašstānā pamuļķu-ķīlnieku daudz.
25. Aug 2024, 16:04 #9604

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Российским чиновникам пришло поручение удалить служебные переписки в Telegram

По данным источников «Базы», такое поручение пришло сотрудникам ряда силовых ведомств, а также чиновникам администрации президента и Правительства России. Кроме того, по словам источников, такое указание было дано и высшим чинам Минобороны РФ, а также некоторым крупным бизнесменам.

В то же время часть опрошенных «Базой» чиновников заявила, что им указания об удалении переписок не приходили. Впрочем, такие указания от начальства они ожидают уже в грядущий понедельник-вторник.

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25. Aug 2024, 16:11 #9605

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Ja rietumi paņems kontrolē telegramu. Viņi iegūs ļoti daudz. Nedomāju Durovs ir tik stulbs lai zinādams par aresta iespēju- nosēstos Francijā. Jo Telegram nežēļîgi zem kontroles arī vatastāna vēlèjās. Durovs viņus troļļoja atslēgas sūtīdams. Nu huj zin. Man pēc cirka nedaudz tas izliekas. Vēl tas apsūdzîbu saraksts
Viņam piešuva visu, kas notiek telegramā. Kā īpašniekam.
Ezim skaidrs par ko ir runa
Bet vatņiks viņš ir

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 25 Aug 2024, 16:21:56 ]

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25. Aug 2024, 16:27 #9606

Kopš: 28. Jul 2023

Ziņojumi: 251

Braucu ar:

wtf ledus?
25. Aug 2024, 18:11 #9607

Kopš: 30. Oct 2014

Ziņojumi: 1899

Braucu ar: E91

Viedie Powera prāti, pirms dzīt savu gudro domu tēmā, kurā sapratne ir nulle, derētu gan mazliet iepazīties ar ko Telegram atšķiras no pilnībā slēgtiem WhatsApp, Viber, Signal, kuriem neviens klāt netiek un nav pat iespējas izsekot, kas un kur tiek sūtīts un glabāts...
Telegram gadījumā Durovs norāvās tikai par to, ka negribēja ieslēgt tupa "trigger alert" un atteicās moderēt saturu. Par vārda "brīvību" arī jāuzņemas atbildība par sekām. Faktiski - līdzdalībnieks.

Saukt Durovu par vateni - hz, vate viņam atņēma biznesa projektu vkontakte.
Slidens zutis - jāaaa
Cukenbergs nav mazāk slidens zutis, tikai pieturās pie vienas pilsonības, kas sūdu gadījumā vismaz pacentīsies sarunāt ekstradīciju.
25. Aug 2024, 18:33 #9608

Kopš: 03. Apr 2021

Ziņojumi: 1999

Braucu ar:

25 Aug 2024, 18:11:06 @Bender rakstīja:

Telegram gadījumā Durovs norāvās tikai par to, ka negribēja ieslēgt tupa "trigger alert" un atteicās moderēt saturu.

Nu bet cik redzu ,tad telegrammā ir gan iespēja pažēloties moderiem ,gan moderi bloķē kontus.

Šad un tad atveru kontus ,kuros paziņojums ,ka konts apturēts un administratoram uzdots sakārtot saturu.

Tāpat arī visādi pedofīlu konti tā nemaz uz sitiena nav atrodami ,bet aizdomīgos bloķē ,ka nemetas.

Tā kā nav tā ,ka tur viss savā vaļā.

Tas ,ka Durovs ieradās FRA ,ir vai nu viņā stulba pašpārliecinātība vai arī viņš ieradās vienoties par kaut ko.
Durovam jau sen ir ambīcijas no telegramma izveidot ko plašāku par vienkāršu mesendžeri .

25. Aug 2024, 18:41 #9609

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

25 Aug 2024, 18:11:06 @Bender rakstīja:
Viedie Powera prāti, pirms dzīt savu gudro domu tēmā, kurā sapratne ir nulle, derētu gan mazliet iepazīties ar ko Telegram atšķiras no pilnībā slēgtiem WhatsApp, Viber, Signal, kuriem neviens klāt netiek un nav pat iespējas izsekot, kas un kur tiek sūtīts un glabāts...
Telegram gadījumā Durovs norāvās tikai par to, ka negribēja ieslēgt tupa "trigger alert" un atteicās moderēt saturu. Par vārda "brīvību" arī jāuzņemas atbildība par sekām. Faktiski - līdzdalībnieks.

Saukt Durovu par vateni - hz, vate viņam atņēma biznesa projektu vkontakte.
Slidens zutis - jāaaa
Cukenbergs nav mazāk slidens zutis, tikai pieturās pie vienas pilsonības, kas sūdu gadījumā vismaz pacentīsies sarunāt ekstradīciju.

Jebkurs, kurš atbalsta putina režīmu ir vatenis. Ukrainas bootu bloķēšana, mobilizēto māšu kustības atzīmēšana, kā fake izplatītājus, liegt pārpublicēt jebko no turienes nav atbalsts? Un var vēl turpināt laiciņu. Tas vairs nav bizis. Bet gan vatņika izgājieni.
Protams, kontroli pār tādu platformu vēlās iegūt visi. Tur variantu īpaši nav. Negribēsi ar labu- būs ar ļaunu. Vajadzēja izslēgt varoni un izvēlēties mazāko ļaunumu kuram pieslieties. Citu variantu nevienam nebūtu viņa situācijā.
Viedoklis personīgs

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 25 Aug 2024, 19:16:55 ]

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25. Aug 2024, 19:17 #9610

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4783

Braucu ar:

Nu labi, kāds paskaidrošu, kāpēc vinš nosēdās francijā, zinot ka viņu aozturēs?
25. Aug 2024, 19:44 #9611

Kopš: 13. Dec 2014

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7221

Braucu ar: G31/E53/E46/E39/E36/F31

Moš Baku gribēja ar izsmēķi parunāt un nesanāca un saprata kas var notikt ja nesanāk saruna, tad rāva koferi uz FR kura, visticamāk, neizdos savu pilsoni uz vatastānu atšķirībā no Emirātiem, kuri to varētu izdarīt

RSAWorkshop-BMW remonts un apkope
25. Aug 2024, 20:13 #9612

Kopš: 09. Jul 2014

Ziņojumi: 133

Braucu ar:

Man šai sakarā ir sapnis - tiek izveidota platforma ar vīrusa dzīvelīgumu, kvantu līmeņa šifrēšanu, hardware neatkarīga, AI (Skynet) nepārtraukti atjaunota, kura ir pieejama no visprastākās tējkannas un kurai NEVIENS homo sapiens gēna nesējs nespēj pieraut savus badīgos naģeļus.
Jā utopija, maģija.... Sapnis tādēļ.
P.S. esmu iekš IT vēl no 87 gada...
02. Sep 2024, 22:05 #9613

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Exclusive: US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

The United States has seized Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane after determining that its acquisition was in violation of US sanctions, among other criminal issues. The US flew the aircraft to Florida on Monday, according to two US officials
It’s the latest development in what has long been a frosty relationship between the US and Venezuela, and its seizure in the Dominican Republic marks an escalation as the US continues to investigate what it regards as corrupt practices by Venezuela’s government.

The plane has been described by officials as Venezuela’s equivalent to Air Force One and it has been pictured in previous state visits by Maduro around the world.

“This sends a message all the way up to the top,” one of the US officials told CNN. “Seizing the foreign head of state’s plane is unheard-of for criminal matters. We’re sending a clear message here that no one is above the law, no one is above the reach of US sanctions.”

In a statement, Attorney General Merrick Garland said that “the Justice Department seized an aircraft we allege was illegally purchased for $13 million through a shell company and smuggled out of the United States for use by Nicolás Maduro and his cronies.”
The plane was purchased from a company in Florida, the Justice Department said, and was illegally exported in April 2023 from the United States to Venezuela through the Caribbean.
The plane, which is a Dassault Falcon 900EX, has since been used to fly “almost exclusively to and from a military base in Venezuela,” the Justice Department said, and has been used for Maduro’s international travels.

CNN has reached out to the Venezuelan Government and the US State Department for comment.

The situation in Venezuela has had implications for US politics as millions flee the country, many of whom have chosen to migrate to the US-Mexico border.
For years, US officials have sought to disrupt the flow of billions of dollars to the regime. Homeland Security Investigations — the second largest investigative agency in the federal government — has seized dozens of luxury vehicles, among other assets, heading to Venezuela.

“The plane was seized in violation of US sanctions with Venezuela and other criminal matters that we’re still looking at regarding this aircraft,” Anthony Salisbury,
Special Agent in Charge, Homeland Security Investigations told CNN.

A high-ranking official from the Dominican Republic told CNN that Maduro’s aircraft had been in Dominican territory undergoing maintenance at the time it was seized by US authorities. The source added that the government had no record that Maduro’s private plane was in the country until it was seized.

US officials worked closely with the Dominican Republic, which notified Venezuela of the seizure, according to one of the US officials.
Multiple federal agencies were involved in the seizure, including Homeland Security Investigations; Commerce agents, the Bureau of Industry and Security; and the Justice Department.

One of the next steps, upon arriving to the US, will be pursuing forfeiture, meaning the Venezuelan government has a chance to petition for it, and collecting evidence from the aircraft.

The US recently placed pressure on the Venezuelan government to “immediately” release specific data regarding its presidential election, citing concerns about the credibility of strongman leader Maduro’s victory.
Earlier this year, the US reimposed sanctions on Venezuela’s oil and gas sector in response to the Maduro government’s failure to allow “an inclusive and competitive election” to take place.
After the controversial reelection of Maduro on July 28, Venezuela suspended commercial flights to and from the Dominican Republic.

Federal agencies, including HSI, have long been going after the Venezuelan government over corruption concerns. Over recent years, HSI has disrupted $2 billion worth of the Venezuelan government’s illicit proceeds or resources, including judgements, seizures, liquidation of bank accounts, according to one of the US officials.

In March 2020, the US Department of Justice charged Maduro, together with 14 current and former Venezuelan officials, with narco-terrorism, drug trafficking and corruption.

“For more than 20 years, Maduro and a number of high-ranking colleagues allegedly conspired with (Colombian left-wing guerrilla group) the FARC, causing tons of cocaine to enter and devastate American communities.,” then-Attorney General William Barr said at the time.
The State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs has offered a reward of up to $15 million for information leading to Maduro’s arrest or conviction.

In 2017, two nephews of Maduro’s wife Cilia Flores were sentenced to 18 years in prison by a federal court in New York City for trying to smuggle up to 800 kilograms of cocaine into the United States on a private jet; the two were later released by the United States in a prisoners’ exchange in 2022.

“We see these officials and the Maduro regime basically fleecing the Venezuelan people for their own gain,” the US official said. “You have people who can’t even afford a loaf of bread there and then you have the president of Venezuela jetting around in a high-class private jet.”

Poor economic conditions, food shortages and limited access to health care have pushed more than 7.7 million people to flee Venezuela, marking the largest displacement in the Western Hemisphere.

CNN’s Denise Royal, Stefano Pozzebon and Hannah Rabinowitz contributed reporting.

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02. Sep 2024, 22:09 #9614

Kopš: 17. Dec 2002

No: Zilupe

Ziņojumi: 17

Braucu ar: Sargenģeli

Kas tur rakstīts?
02. Sep 2024, 22:24 #9615

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5169

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

02 Sep 2024, 22:09:44 @CP17 rakstīja:
Kas tur rakstīts?

domā viegli ir ctrl+c-ctrl+p? :sviedri:
02. Sep 2024, 22:58 #9616

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5169

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

02 Sep 2024, 22:45:17 @Lafter rakstīja:

Tu lasi???
LIELĀKO TIES!!!!!!!!!!
Es aiz ieraduma. Pārsvarā ir NYT, FT utt. Par kuriem ir jāmaksā.

Labi, labi.. Tu neesi ne mērķis, ne nepieciešamība. Turpini.

Jā, starp citu. Par "prievuku" gan šauj pienā.

Auseklītis būtu precīzāk!
02. Sep 2024, 23:00 #9617

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

02 Sep 2024, 22:58:40 @Indo rakstīja:

02 Sep 2024, 22:45:17 @Lafter rakstīja:

Tu lasi???
LIELĀKO TIES!!!!!!!!!!
Es aiz ieraduma. Pārsvarā ir NYT, FT utt. Par kuriem ir jāmaksā.

Labi, labi.. Tu neesi ne mērķis, ne nepieciešamība. Turpini.

Jā, starp citu. Par "prievuku" gan šauj pienā.

Auseklītis būtu precīzāk!

Ja godīgi- sajaucu Tevi ar citu useri.

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06. Sep 2024, 00:25 #9618

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty in Tax Case The guilty plea now exposes President Biden’s son to an outcome that once seemed unthinkable: significant time behind bars.

Hunter Biden pleaded guilty on Thursday to nine federal tax charges in Los Angeles, after telling his legal team that he refused to subject his family to another round of anguish and humiliation after a gut-wrenching gun trial in Delaware two months ago.

The dramatic development signaled the final stages of a fraught five-plus year investigation into the period when Mr. Biden was bankrolling his uncontrollable drug and alcohol addiction by leveraging his famous last name into lucrative overseas consulting contracts — while not paying his taxes.

The guilty plea was a unilateral decision by defense lawyers who were persuaded they could not prevail in the trial. It was not part of a plea deal in exchange for reduced punishment.

Mr. Biden, speaking in a low and clipped voice as he sat at the defense table, repeated the word “guilty” nine times as Judge Mark C. Scarsi ticked off each charge.
He will remain free on bond until his sentencing hearing in mid-December.

The guilty plea now exposes President Biden’s son to an outcome that seemed unthinkable last year, when his lawyers were on the cusp of a no-prison plea agreement: significant time behind bars. He now faces a maximum prison sentence of up to 17 years or a fine of up to $1.3 million, on top of the possible sentence of 25 years after being convicted of lying on a firearms application in Delaware in June.

It does not appear, at least for now, that he is banking on executive parental reprieve. As Hunter Biden’s team appeared in court, listening intently while every word of his 56-page criminal indictment was read back to him, the White House press secretary told reporters, “It’s still very much a no,” when asked if the president planned to pardon his son.

The guilty plea came a few hours after Mr. Biden, 54, made a more conditional offer — a so-called Alford plea — in which he acknowledged there was enough evidence to convict him even as he professed innocence toward the same charges. But that did not work.

His team changed course after prosecutors said they would oppose any plea in which Mr. Biden did not accept unconditional guilt, and Judge Scarsi suggested he was inclined to move forward with the case.
“Enough is enough,” Abbe Lowell, one of Mr. Biden’s lawyers, said by midafternoon.

Mr. Lowell said Mr. Biden had decided to plead guilty “so he and his family don’t have to spend one more day focusing on something that happened when he was a man addicted to drugs,” adding: “It’s time to move on.”

Mr. Biden believes that David C. Weiss, the special counsel in the case, had refused to engage in serious plea negotiations after being sharply criticized for signing a generous agreement with Mr. Biden on gun and tax charges that would have resulted in no prison time.

That agreement imploded during a chaotic hearing at the federal courthouse in Wilmington in July 2023, and Mr. Weiss subsequently indicted Mr. Biden on charges of lying on a firearms application in Delaware and on a range of tax violations in California, where he now lives.

The atmosphere in the courtroom in sunny Los Angeles was tense, clamorous and chaotic.

Leo J. Wise, the hard-driving Weiss deputy overseeing the government’s case, said he was stunned when the Biden team interrupted the first day of jury selection with an offer to end the trial on their terms. And he took offense when Mr. Lowell suggested that the government had subjected his client to an unfair prosecution influenced by external political pressures.
“This idea that he’s a victim of this process, it’s offensive,” Mr. Wise said. “We have not exacted a pound of flesh or a drop of blood. We have afforded him the same right as any American.”

Yet much of the courtroom drama had already been drained of its national significance. Mr. Biden’s trial on tax charges went from a central election-year saga to a political afterthought the moment President Biden withdrew from the 2024 race in July.

Paradoxically, the personal stakes have never been higher for his son — a first-time offender who will likely make the case for the lightest permissible sentence, probation instead of prison time, after pleading guilty to evading a tax assessment, failing to file and pay taxes, and filing a false or fraudulent tax return.

In doing so, Mr. Biden’s legal team will argue that he has been clean and sober for years, paid all of his back taxes and penalties and has expressed contrition to his family and associates for his drug-fueled behavior.

People close to Mr. Biden say he has been desperately seeking a way out of the tax trial for weeks in hopes of avoiding a reprise of the weeklong gun case, which included testimony from his ex-romantic partners, including the widow of his brother Beau.

Mr. Wise had signaled his intention to call many of the same witnesses in Los Angeles in court filings — and Mr. Biden was particularly concerned about the possibility that his daughters Naomi and Maisy would be called to testify, they added.

Glenn Thrush covers the Department of Justice and has also written about gun violence, civil rights and conditions in the country’s jails and prisons. More about Glenn Thrush

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07. Sep 2024, 23:04 #9619

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Iran sends more than 200 ballistic missiles to Russia Tehran’s support for Moscow’s war escalates with shipment of weapons that could be used to target several cities in Ukraine

Russia has received a shipment of more than 200 ballistic missiles from Iran in a significant escalation in Tehran’s support for Moscow’s war against Ukraine.

Intelligence seen by the Ukrainians points to a delivery of the Fath-360 missiles, which can reach targets up to 70 miles away.

A Russian ship delivered the missiles to an undisclosed port in the Caspian Sea on Wednesday, a Ukrainian military source said.
The source described the weapons as a “game changer” for the Russians because they would enhance Moscow’s ability to hit Ukrainian towns and cities from greater distances.

The source said it further illustrated the need for Ukraine to be able to fire long-range western weapons — such as UK-made Storm Shadow missiles — at key targets inside Russia.
Western officials had previously seen intelligence pointing to a deal between the two nations for the delivery of the weapons. Nato countries had warned Iran against sending ballistic missiles to Russia.

“We call on Iran to stop assisting Russia’s war in Ukraine and not to transfer ballistic missiles and related technology, as this would represent a substantive material escalation and a direct threat to European security,” the G7 said in mid-June.

Iran is expected to continue the flow of weapons to Russia despite the risk of further Western sanctions.

A Ukrainian defence source said: “If civilians in Ukraine die from these missiles then Iran will pay a double price for that. The response will be severe.” The source did not elaborate on the nature of that response.

Farzin Nadimi, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said: “This can have a real impact on the battlefield in the eastern Donbas.
“These are tactical missiles with a range of up to 120km so they are going to be mostly used tactically but the Russians can still use them to attack cities like Kharkiv and Sumy and the Ukrainian army’s rear areas in the Donbas and Dnipro.”

He said his main concern was that the missiles could pave the way for the delivery of longer-range versions of the weapons that can travel more than 500km. “These would pack a real punch and could hit targets farther in western Ukraine.”

Britain wants to allow Ukraine to use its Storm Shadow missiles to fire at targets inside Russia but the US is blocking that for fear of escalating the conflict.

Storm Shadow missiles have a range of more than 150 miles, so could be used to hit airfields deeper inside Russian territory.

The Ukrainian source said the Russians would be shown how to use the missiles by Iranian instructors at a training facility near Ashaluk.

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09. Sep 2024, 18:02 #9620

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4783

Braucu ar:

Kas ar to miermīlīgo TNT sahedu?

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, kolhozs, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo