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Tēma: Notikumi pasaulē, EU/ASV,NATO u.tml.

15. Sep 2024, 22:17 #9641

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

The Trump campaign put out a statement after the shooting incident at one of his golf courses on Sunday.Credit...Stefani Reynolds for The New York Times
A shooting took place on the grounds of the Trump International Golf Course West Palm Beach on Sunday while former President Donald J. Trump was at the course, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office said, but officials said that Mr. Trump was safe and that the intent was unknown.

“President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity,” Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign’s communications director, said in a statement. “No further details at this time.”

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16. Sep 2024, 01:17 #9642

Kopš: 26. Apr 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6467

Braucu ar:

13 Sep 2024, 14:09:15 @Lafter rakstīja:

13 Sep 2024, 13:20:40 @abyss rakstīja:

12 Sep 2024, 23:21:47 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Manuprāt visiem poh. Tramps kamala, kāda škirba.

Mums ir milzīga starpība. Tramps dalību kā tādu NATO uzskata par apgrūtinājumu, ja vēl tur kaut kur praktiski jāiesaistās kaut kādā eiropas nomalē. Viņam un viņa varas cilvēkiem to nafig nevajag. NATO noteikti nav ne pirmā ne pēdējā savienība, kas beigtu pastāvēt, jo kādam no atslēgas spēlētajiem tas gluži vienkārši vairs nav izdevīgi

1) Vai iepriekšējo reizi Trump prezidentūras laikā NATO utt tika nodarīts kāds kaitējums?
2) No kurienes uzskats par to, kad Trump būs katastrofa. Nu kādu faktu ar viņa padarītajām briesmu lietā prezidentūras laikā vari pievest?
3) No kurienes visiem ir uzskats, kad USA kādam ir ko paràdà? Kāpēc viņiem jāaizstāv mūsu valsts, Tavas intereses, NATO peripētijas, EU nespēju pastāvēt par sevi nomaina uz atbildības uzvelšanu USA?
No kurienes tādas prasības?

Varbūt nolaisties uz zemes un pašiem par sevi sākt rūpēties? Vai tieši otrādi- atcerēsimies kā Trump pisa prātu visiem parazītiem un piespieda sākt domāt un palielināt izdevumus aizsardzbai.
Drîz jau savu veceni prasīs usa pist. Jo pašam par grūtu
Rakstot aizmirsi realitāti. Mainīt tāda milža kā ASV politiku / politisko nostāju ir pī ku grūti. Tas ir milzīgs kuģis, kura pagriešanai vajadzīgi gadi. Domāju, ka droši var minēt arī ASV atbalstu Izraēlai kā piemēru — tur daudzi aplauzušies par šī brīža notikumiem, bet neko lielu tāpēc nedara, mēģina tēlot, ka nav jau tik traki. PIe viena jāatgādina, ka arī Latvijā prezidenti parasti sū savārījuši savos otrajos termiņos. Skaidrojums jau vienkāršs — kamēr saproti, kas notiek, paiet laiks. Tad kā cilvēkam, kas nonācis tādā amatā no malas gribas bīdīt kaut kādas lietas, bet uzreiz nav skaidrs ko ar ko un kā jārunā. Mēģina šur, mēģina tur, kamēr atrod īstos punktus uz ko uzspiest termiņš jau pagājis. Otrais termiņš jau ir citādāks, jo sistēma ir atkosta un ir skaidrāks kā var savus sū bīdīt cauri saņemot minimālu pretestību. Tāpēc ir pamats satraukties, ka pilnīgam cirvim, kas (cik atceros no konspekta) startējot dzīvi ar 400 miljoniem $ kabatā pamanās 6x nonākt līdz bankrotam, un nevis nopelnītiem vairāk miljoniem kā sākumā, nebūtu jāatgriežas pie varas. (The Economist sarēķināja, ka ja Tramps būtu mantojumu vienkārši ielicis random investiciju fondā, nevis pats ar tio kaut ko centies izdarīt, viņam tagad būtu 6 miljardi $, bet nav.) Pirmo reizi pērtiķis ar granātu nepaspēja neko daudz izdarīt, tikai cilvēkus pabiedēt, bet tas nenozīmē, ka nav jāsatraucas par otro reizi tam pašam pērtiķim iedodot to pašu jau zināmo granātu.
16. Sep 2024, 09:36 #9643

Kopš: 26. Jun 2013

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 8398

Braucu ar: e39 523

Trumps drīz būs kā 80to-90to bojeviku varonis
16. Sep 2024, 09:40 #9644

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4839

Braucu ar:

Nu tāds lēts veids, kā sevi pacelt
16. Sep 2024, 10:56 #9645

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

16 Sep 2024, 09:40:02 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Nu tāds lēts veids, kā sevi pacelt

Dzīvot patstāvīgās šaubās, konspirāciju apņemtā apkārtējà pasaulē varētu būt diezgan aizraujoši. Piedalīties drāmas teātra izràdē un piedomàt sižetu kuram sekot.
Neizskati variantu - tas bija vienkàrši tērēts Ukrainas atbalstītājs ar viegli pieejami stobru, kurš izdomàja būt Osvalds?

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 16 Sep 2024, 10:56:38 ]

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16. Sep 2024, 11:42 #9646

Kopš: 26. Apr 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6467

Braucu ar:

16 Sep 2024, 10:56:06 @Lafter rakstīja:

16 Sep 2024, 09:40:02 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Nu tāds lēts veids, kā sevi pacelt

Dzīvot patstāvīgās šaubās, konspirāciju apņemtā apkārtējà pasaulē varētu būt diezgan aizraujoši. Piedalīties drāmas teātra izràdē un piedomàt sižetu kuram sekot.
Neizskati variantu - tas bija vienkàrši tērēts Ukrainas atbalstītājs ar viegli pieejami stobru, kurš izdomàja būt Osvalds?
Tak jau atzinās, ka rada fake news.
16. Sep 2024, 16:30 #9647

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4839

Braucu ar:

16 Sep 2024, 10:56:06 @Lafter rakstīja:

16 Sep 2024, 09:40:02 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Nu tāds lēts veids, kā sevi pacelt

Dzīvot patstāvīgās šaubās, konspirāciju apņemtā apkārtējà pasaulē varētu būt diezgan aizraujoši. Piedalīties drāmas teātra izràdē un piedomàt sižetu kuram sekot.
Neizskati variantu - tas bija vienkàrši tērēts Ukrainas atbalstītājs ar viegli pieejami stobru, kurš izdomàja būt Osvalds?

Konkrētajā gadijumā nē.
16. Sep 2024, 16:30 #9648

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4839

Braucu ar:

16 Sep 2024, 10:56:06 @Lafter rakstīja:

16 Sep 2024, 09:40:02 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Nu tāds lēts veids, kā sevi pacelt

Dzīvot patstāvīgās šaubās, konspirāciju apņemtā apkārtējà pasaulē varētu būt diezgan aizraujoši. Piedalīties drāmas teātra izràdē un piedomàt sižetu kuram sekot.
Neizskati variantu - tas bija vienkàrši tērēts Ukrainas atbalstītājs ar viegli pieejami stobru, kurš izdomàja būt Osvalds?

Konkrētajā gadijumā nē.
16. Sep 2024, 16:34 #9649

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

16 Sep 2024, 16:30:29 @Samsasi rakstīja:

16 Sep 2024, 10:56:06 @Lafter rakstīja:

16 Sep 2024, 09:40:02 @Samsasi rakstīja:
Nu tāds lēts veids, kā sevi pacelt

Dzīvot patstāvīgās šaubās, konspirāciju apņemtā apkārtējà pasaulē varētu būt diezgan aizraujoši. Piedalīties drāmas teātra izràdē un piedomàt sižetu kuram sekot.
Neizskati variantu - tas bija vienkàrši tērēts Ukrainas atbalstītājs ar viegli pieejami stobru, kurš izdomàja būt Osvalds?

Konkrētajā gadijumā nē.

Konkrētā gadījuma iemeslus, kas notika un kāpēc paziņos pēc 3 nedēļām apmēram. Paziņos izmeklētàji.
Tad arī varēs apgalvot.
Kāda publicētie iespaidi un sapñi nav pamats apgalvojumiem kategoriskiem.

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16. Sep 2024, 21:19 #9650

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Live Updates: Suspect Waited Near Trump Golf Course for 12 Hours, Phone Data Shows The man arrested in an apparent attempt on former President Donald J. Trump’s life appeared in court to face two federal weapons charges. The episode was the latest challenge for the embattled Secret Service.

Here’s the latest on the investigation.

The man who investigators say appears to have waited near a golf course for about 12 hours in an apparent attempt to assassinate former President Donald J. Trump with a semiautomatic rifle faces two federal gun charges: possessing a firearm as a felon and possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

The defendant, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, wore a blue inmate jumpsuit to his initial appearance in a federal courtroom in Florida on Monday, and later left the courthouse in a white van. His appearance came less than 24 hours after what the authorities said appeared to be the second attempted assassination of the former president in just over two months.

According to a criminal complaint, cellphone data indicated that Mr. Routh was in the woods in the vicinity of Mr. Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach, Fla., for roughly 12 hours before a Secret Service agent spotted what appeared to be the barrel of a rifle and opened fire. The complaint detailed the subsequent discovery of a loaded SKS-style rifle — a Soviet-era semiautomatic rifle developed in the 1940s — as well as food and a digital camera.

The charge of possessing a firearm as a felon is the more serious of the charges against Mr. Routh, carrying a prison sentence of up to 15 years. Possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number carries a sentence of up to five years.

Here is what else to know.

Trump’s response: Mr. Trump was a few hundred yards away when the gunfire rang out, and he was not injured — unlike in the previous attempt, when he was shot in the ear at a rally in Pennsylvania on July 13. Friends and aides described Mr. Trump as shocked by Sunday’s episode, but said he was cracking jokes about it later in the day. In a post on his website Truth Social, Mr. Trump thanked the Secret Service, law enforcement and the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office for keeping him safe.

Questions for the Secret Service: The agency is facing new questions about its broader protective capabilities after a would-be killer got so close to Mr. Trump for the second time in about two months. “The Secret Service needs more help,” President Biden told reporters on Monday.

The suspect: Mr. Routh told The New York Times in 2023 that he had traveled to Ukraine and wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there. The Times reporter who interviewed him recalled thinking at the time that Mr. Routh was out of his depth.

Campaign plans: The Trump campaign has not announced any changes to the candidate’s schedule for the week. He is expected to appear on a livestream to introduce a new cryptocurrency business at 8 p.m. Eastern time Monday. On Tuesday, he is expected to hold a town-hall event in Flint, Mich., moderated by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas, and a rally on Wednesday in Uniondale, N.Y.


A gunman was spotted within shooting distance of former President Donald J. Trump for the second time in about two months — stopped only by the swift, keen-eyed response of Secret Service agents — raising new questions about the agency’s broader ability to protect candidates in its charge.

The Secret Service significantly bolstered Mr. Trump’s protective detail after coming under intense criticism following an attempt on his life in Butler, Pa., on July 13. That beefed-up detail, which includes additional agents and enhanced on-the-ground intelligence, might have played a role in the outcome this weekend, current and former officials said.

Yet the fact that a gunman was able to get a semiautomatic rifle with a telescopic sight so close to the former president, roughly 300 to 500 yards away, underscored how many urgent problems exposed in Butler remained unresolved — and how difficult it is for the Secret Service to respond to an unpredictable and increasingly violent political environment.

As in Butler, the biggest issues in Mr. Trump’s protection seem to involve securing the protective perimeter of a targeted site, even one they know as well as Mr. Trump’s properties. The would-be shooter positioned himself in the bushes on the perimeter of the former president’s golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla. A Secret Service agent was one hole ahead of Mr. Trump on the course and spotted the barrel of a gun, prompting agents to open fire on the man, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw of Palm Beach County said at a news conference on Sunday.

Sheriff Bradshaw said that Mr. Trump — one of the most polarizing figures in the world — still retains a protective detail that is smaller than the one given to a sitting president. That, he said, limits the protections that the Secret Service and its local partners can provide.

“At this level that he is at right now, he’s not the sitting president — if he was, we would have had this entire golf course surrounded,” Sheriff Bradshaw said.

“But because he’s not, the security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible,” he added, while praising the service’s fast response. “So I would imagine that the next time he comes at a golf course, there’ll probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter.”

Michael Matranga, a former Secret Service agent who protected President Barack Obama, said the agency should “seriously consider giving former President Trump the same or equal package as the president of the United States” and called the incidents “unprecedented.”

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle lauded the actions of the agents, but they vowed to subject the agency’s already-embattled leadership to intense questioning about the suspect’s ability to position himself near the former president.

“The facts about a second incident certainly warrant very close attention and scrutiny,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut and the chairman of the Senate subcommittee investigating the security failures at Butler.

“Certainly a second serious incident, apparently involving an assault weapon, is deeply alarming and appalling,” he added.

Senator Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who is a close ally of Mr. Trump, said the Senate’s investigations into the security lapses in Butler cited mismanagement within the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the Secret Service, as well as budget and morale issues.

“They’ve lost their focus,” he said. “They need more resources. These agents just work; they have no lives.”
Ryan Wesley Routh, the 58-year-old man who was arrested on Sunday in connection with what the F.B.I. described as an attempted assassination on former President Donald J. Trump, had expressed the desire to fight and die in Ukraine.

Mr. Routh’s posts on the social media site X revealed a penchant for violent rhetoric in the weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. “I AM WILLING TO FLY TO KRAKOW AND GO TO THE BORDER OF UKRAINE TO VOLUNTEER AND FIGHT AND DIE,” he wrote.

On the messaging application Signal, Mr. Routh wrote that “Civilians must change this war and prevent future wars” as part of his profile bio. On WhatsApp, his bio read, “Each one of us must do our part daily in the smallest steps help support human rights, freedom and democracy; we each must help the chinese.”

Mr. Routh, a former roofing contractor from Greensboro, N.C., was interviewed by The New York Times in 2023 for an article about Americans volunteering to aid the war effort in Ukraine. Mr. Routh, who had no military experience, said he had traveled to the country after Russia’s invasion and wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there.

In a telephone interview with The New York Times in 2023, when Mr. Routh was in Washington, he spoke with the self-assuredness of a seasoned diplomat who thought his plans to support Ukraine’s war effort were sure to succeed. But he appeared to have little patience for anyone who got in his way. When an American foreign fighter seemed to talk down to him in a Facebook message he shared with The New York Times, Mr. Routh said, “he needs to be shot.”

In the interview, Mr. Routh said he was in Washington to meet with the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, known as the Helsinki Commission “for two hours” to help push for more support for Ukraine. The commission is led by members of Congress and staffed by congressional aides. It is influential on matters of democracy and security and has been vocal in supporting Ukraine.

Mr. Routh also said he was seeking recruits for Ukraine from among Afghan soldiers who had fled the Taliban. He said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.

“We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he said.

It is not clear whether Mr. Routh followed through, but one former Afghan soldier said he had been contacted and was interested in fighting if it meant leaving Iran, where he was living illegally.

A man with the same name and similar age as Mr. Routh was arrested in 2002 in Greensboro, N.C., after barricading himself inside a building with a fully automatic weapon, according to the Greensboro News & Record newspaper.

The newspaper said the man was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a fully automatic machine gun. It is not clear how the charges were resolved.

It is not clear if Mr. Routh, a lean man with reddish-brown hair who wore American flag clothing in one of his profile pictures, fired any shots before leaving the scene on Sunday, according to the Secret Service.

In a series of posts on X in 2020, Mr. Routh expressed admiration for former Representative Tulsi Gabbard, then a Democratic presidential candidate, saying “she will tirelessly negotiate peace deals in Syria, Afghanistan, and all turmoil zones.”

At some point over the past several years, Mr. Routh moved to Hawaii, where a man with his name ran a small business.

In a May 2020 post, he invited Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, to Hawaii for a vacation and offered to act as “ambassador and liaison” to resolve disputes between the two nations.

When deputies stopped him on Interstate 95 after the incident, Mr. Routh appeared calm, did not ask why he was being detained, and “was not armed when we took him out of the car,” Sheriff William D. Snyder of Martin County told a local station, WPTV.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 16 Sep 2024, 21:24:04 ]

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16. Sep 2024, 21:25 #9651

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Sadaļa par to kreklu- jautājumus neraisa ? Sūta vēstules kimam utt.
Balstīts uz faktiem.

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.
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Jā! Man jūk komati. Tas dēļ ilga perioda komunicējot citās valodās.
16. Sep 2024, 22:39 #9652

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6871

Braucu ar: E34

16 Sep 2024, 21:25:42 @Lafter rakstīja:
Sadaļa par to kreklu- jautājumus neraisa ? Sūta vēstules kimam utt.
Balstīts uz faktiem.

Caur rindām izskrejot, viņš gribēja pārspļaut rudo kā neordinārākais amerikānis
16. Sep 2024, 23:34 #9653

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 13672

Braucu ar: 21/43

Nezināju, kur citur likt, šis šķita tāds interesants viedoklis no Quora par igauņu domām par latviešiem. Tikai tas tas arī ir - viedoklis no foruma, ne vairāk, ne mazāk, bet šķita interesanti.

The viewpoint of an Estonian:

Two weekends ago I met a lovely Latvian lady in a pub in the old town who came to Estonia years ago. ”I’m getting no interest in our Baltic dance classes among my Estonian friends and I can’t understand why” she said. She assumed that the word “Baltic” and the associated cultural heritage is as dear to Estonians as to her and was hence surprised of the low interest. I thought the story exemplifies the wider topic well:

Latvians often have no idea that Estonians don’t associate with the word “Baltic” and Estonians seldom tell that to Latvians directly - Because they fear Latvians will get offended.

Estonians want to be Finnic / Nordic in peace and would jump with joy if the world would stop calling it Baltic. But they’re also diplomatic and in politics this term is talked about quietly - as they don’t want to offend anyone. So no-one ever told the Latvians.

Latvia seems to be proud of the “Baltic” idea, because it’s in the middle, has no other friendly neighbours besides EE & LT and hence needs the term to exist. The modern concept of the “Baltic countries” can sometimes be seen as a Latvian idea in Estonia.

They also seem to want to be closer to Estonia than to Lithuania. This is something most Estonians dont know about and are surprised, as LV & LT are always seen as the two “actual” baltic countries. But Estonians definitely feel a type of familiarity with Latvians.

Estonians dont know much about Lithuania and Lithuanians don’t know much about Estonia. Latvia tries to communicate a unified group of three countries but forgets that there’s nothing connecting Estonia and Lithuania.

This forced grouping in turn gets Estonians upset, as they really want to be known as Finnic. And makes Latvians feel hurt / take it the wrong way when they hear Estonians don’t actually like their Baltic project.

Latvia is close to Estonia and is cared about in Estonia. Latvians - You guys need to invent a new word if you want to group the two countries together. And it needs to be something that respects the Estonian heritage as much as it does Latvian.

This story started in 1918 when Estonia wanted to join with Finland but was interrupted by war - So it’s already 100 years old and isn’t anything new. The “Baltic Entente” failed in 1934 for the same reason as described above - the region is not united by any common attributes.


[ Šo ziņu laboja PERFS, 16 Sep 2024, 23:36:08 ]

16. Sep 2024, 23:55 #9654

Kopš: 11. Dec 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3718

Braucu ar:

16 Sep 2024, 23:34:37 @PERFS rakstīja:
Nezināju, kur citur likt, šis šķita tāds interesants viedoklis no Quora par igauņu domām par latviešiem. Tikai tas tas arī ir - viedoklis no foruma, ne vairāk, ne mazāk, bet šķita interesanti.

The viewpoint of an Estonian:

Two weekends ago I met a lovely Latvian lady in a pub in the old town who came to Estonia years ago. ”I’m getting no interest in our Baltic dance classes among my Estonian friends and I can’t understand why” she said. She assumed that the word “Baltic” and the associated cultural heritage is as dear to Estonians as to her and was hence surprised of the low interest. I thought the story exemplifies the wider topic well:

Latvians often have no idea that Estonians don’t associate with the word “Baltic” and Estonians seldom tell that to Latvians directly - Because they fear Latvians will get offended.

Estonians want to be Finnic / Nordic in peace and would jump with joy if the world would stop calling it Baltic. But they’re also diplomatic and in politics this term is talked about quietly - as they don’t want to offend anyone. So no-one ever told the Latvians.

Latvia seems to be proud of the “Baltic” idea, because it’s in the middle, has no other friendly neighbours besides EE & LT and hence needs the term to exist. The modern concept of the “Baltic countries” can sometimes be seen as a Latvian idea in Estonia.

They also seem to want to be closer to Estonia than to Lithuania. This is something most Estonians dont know about and are surprised, as LV & LT are always seen as the two “actual” baltic countries. But Estonians definitely feel a type of familiarity with Latvians.

Estonians dont know much about Lithuania and Lithuanians don’t know much about Estonia. Latvia tries to communicate a unified group of three countries but forgets that there’s nothing connecting Estonia and Lithuania.

This forced grouping in turn gets Estonians upset, as they really want to be known as Finnic. And makes Latvians feel hurt / take it the wrong way when they hear Estonians don’t actually like their Baltic project.

Latvia is close to Estonia and is cared about in Estonia. Latvians - You guys need to invent a new word if you want to group the two countries together. And it needs to be something that respects the Estonian heritage as much as it does Latvian.

This story started in 1918 when Estonia wanted to join with Finland but was interrupted by war - So it’s already 100 years old and isn’t anything new. The “Baltic Entente” failed in 1934 for the same reason as described above - the region is not united by any common attributes.


Saprotu tā estiņa domu gājienu. Ja kādam ir viņa kontakti, es viņam varētu nolasīt lekciju par tēmu . Izskatās, ka viņš nepārzin mūsu abu tautu vēsturi, bet viedoklis ir!
17. Sep 2024, 00:33 #9655

Kopš: 05. Jan 2006

Ziņojumi: 6871

Braucu ar: E34

Tam eestim pa lielam taisnība. Kopēja mums ir tikai Baltijas jūra tādā nosaukumā. Starptautiski tas ir atpazīstami, pēdējās 100-gades liktenis līdzīgs uz kā arī balstās viss kopīgais.
Eesti ir vairāk somi, latvieši un lietuvieši - balti.
Vidzeme varbūt draudzējas ar estiņiem, personīgi man viņi ir vienaldzīgi. Bijis tur esmu tikai uz velo sacensībām
17. Sep 2024, 00:42 #9656

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5190

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

Igauņi vienmēr ir bijuši somugri.

Izvainot? - Par ko? Mums ar igauņiem un lietuviešiem ir viena vēsture - OKUPĀCIJA UN GENOCĪDS.

Perf, nerauj zarā!
17. Sep 2024, 00:46 #9657

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Precīzi. Es nekad nēsmu uztvēris Igauniju, kā vienu no baltijas valstīm un estikus par baltiešiem. Es viņiem savulaik blakus dzīvoju. Mums nav nekā kopīga, ne ģenētiski, ne mentāli. Tie ir somi! Arī ārzemniekiem to, tā arī pasniedzu. Latvieši, Lietuvieši - jā. Igaunija! Tā ir Somijas aste Tas skandināviskais viņiem pa visām vīlēm spraucas ārā. + Esti bija vienīgie, kuri somu radio daudz, maz varēja klausities visu okupācijas laiku. Un tas ir daudz!! Tas ietekmēja daudzu ģimeņu paaudzes visus okupācijas gadus. To arī paši igauņi bieži piemin.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 17 Sep 2024, 00:50:49 ]

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17. Sep 2024, 00:47 #9658

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 13672

Braucu ar: 21/43

16 Sep 2024, 23:55:01 @Rockstar rakstīja:
Saprotu tā estiņa domu gājienu. Ja kādam ir viņa kontakti, es viņam varētu nolasīt lekciju par tēmu . Izskatās, ka viņš nepārzin mūsu abu tautu vēsturi, bet viedoklis ir!

Apakšā tur ir links, bet, cik manīju, ka sešus gadus vecs ziņojums jau, man kaut kā izleca. Tu jau te vari uzrakstīt. Es, piemēram, nesen Ulda Ģērmaņa grāmatā “Latviešu tautas piedzīvojumi IV - II daļa” uzzināju, ka igauņi vairākās epizodēs diezgan palīdzējuši brīvības cīņās.
17. Sep 2024, 00:50 #9659

Kopš: 13. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 13672

Braucu ar: 21/43

17 Sep 2024, 00:42:29 @Indo rakstīja:
Igauņi vienmēr ir bijuši somugri.

Izvainot? - Par ko? Mums ar igauņiem un lietuviešiem ir viena vēsture - OKUPĀCIJA UN GENOCĪDS.

Perf, nerauj zarā!

Pag, to tekstu jau es nerakstīju, tikai iekopēju
17. Sep 2024, 00:52 #9660

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 28686

Braucu ar: wv

Oo uzleca update par Trump ,,slepkavu profesionālo,,

Live Updates: Officials Say Suspect Never Had Sight of Trump on Golf Course
The man, who faces two federal weapons charges, called former President Donald J. Trump a “buffoon” and other insults in a self-published book. The episode was the latest challenge for the embattled Secret Service.

Here’s the latest on the investigation.

Investigators say the man who appeared to have been planning to assassinate former President Donald J. Trump with a rifle waited near a golf course for about 12 hours before he was spotted by the Secret Service. According to a criminal complaint released Monday, the man faces two federal gun charges: possessing a firearm as a felon and possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

The defendant, Ryan W. Routh, 58, did not have Mr. Trump in his sightline and did not fire his semiautomatic rifle during the confrontation with the Secret Service on Sunday afternoon, the agency’s acting director, Ronald Rowe, said at a news conference. The F.B.I.’s top agent in Miami said the bureau had no information that Mr. Routh had been working with anybody else.

Mr. Routh, who wore a blue inmate jumpsuit to his initial appearance in a federal courtroom in Florida earlier Monday, called Mr. Trump a “buffoon” in a rambling book titled “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War” that he published himself last year. In one angry passage about the former president’s dismantling of the Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran, appears to suggest that readers — or perhaps Iran — were “free to assassinate Trump.”

According to a criminal complaint, cellphone data indicated that Mr. Routh was in the woods near Mr. Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach, Fla., for nearly half a day before a Secret Service agent spotted what appeared to be the barrel of a rifle and opened fire. The complaint detailed the subsequent discovery of a loaded SKS-style rifle — a semiautomatic developed by the Soviets in the 1940s — with a scope, as well as food and a digital camera.

The episode, particularly the many hours Mr. Routh apparently spent so close to the course, cast fresh doubts on the Secret Service’s protective abilities after a would-be killer got near Mr. Trump for the second time in about two months. President Biden told reporters on Monday that the Secret Service “needs more help.”

Here is what else to know.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 17 Sep 2024, 00:54:49 ]

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