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Tēma: Notikumi Ukrainā

Ziedot Ukrainas armijas atbalstam var uz Ukrainas Nacionālās bankas speciāli izveidoto kontu

20. Apr 2024, 18:23 #42461

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5076

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

Vēl viena interesanta lieta ir mazo GulfStream un Poseidona regulārie maršruti. Tas pats ASV AWAC's arī pereiodiski uzpeld. Piekam, viņi nemaz neslēpjās. Miriīgi ar ieslēgtiem transponderiem lidinās, un po!

[ Šo ziņu laboja Indo, 20 Apr 2024, 18:24:55 ]

20. Apr 2024, 18:25 #42462

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27820

Braucu ar: wv

Jo lidojumu intensitāte pieaugusi neskaitāmas reizes. + notiek karadarbība. Bet viss, kas nogāžas nav uzreiz automātiski Ukrainas pirksts. Zemē ir un kāda starpība. Galvenais ir rezultāts.

Nav iemesls iet raznosā kungi jau Krimas sauli jūtat atkal?
Ukraina pirms pāris dienàm norāvās ar kasetēm pa lidlauku. Vairākām lidmašīnām pizda.
To ziņās nerādīja

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 20 Apr 2024, 18:29:04 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
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Spama topiks
20. Apr 2024, 18:29 #42463

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27820

Braucu ar: wv

20 Apr 2024, 18:19:28 @Kasics rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 17:59:24 @Lafter rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 17:15:11 @Kasics rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 16:45:39 @Lafter rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 16:05:05 @Indo rakstīja:

22 Mar 2024, 17:42:23 @kkas rakstīja:

Tu- neviens neitralizēt nevarēs. Mazāk vajag to rietumu biezpienu ar rozā brillēm lietot.

Diez', kurš būs nākamais? 95? 160?..

Vienas lidmašīnas iztrūkums neko nemaina. Tās viñiem pietiek. Un joprojām nav neviena fakta, liecības par to, ka Ukraina notriekusi. Caurumiem fizelāžā ir jābūt. Pagaidām izskatās pēc tā, ka nopisies pats tas bumbvedējs.

Kaut kā pārāk bieži un regulāri viņiem tās ļotenes "pašas no sevis" sāk gāzties lejā. Ka tik ukraiņiem nav iedots kas interesants, kāds F-16 piemēram.

Jau no 22 gada lido. F16, f35 utt. Ir satelīti utt. Ķīna to nodod vatei. Ja tā būtu- sen būtu bļāviens pa visu pasauli. To noslēpt nevar. Pie tādas lidojumu intensitātes nav nekas ekstraordinàrs, ka procentuāli pieaug negadījumu skaits. Būsi pārsteigts cik bieži tas notiek Austrālijā, Usa un citās valstīs kuras izmanto rietumu tehniku. Bet to ziņās neràda jo neviens īpaši uzmanību nepievērš. Tas ir normāli.

Tas negadījumu skaits pēdējo divu gadu laikā pēkšņi pieauga un vatei tie SU-ūdi sāka birt zemē nedēļas laikā pa vairākiem dienā.
Sagadīšanās? Nedomāju vis.

Protams, protams, rietumu kara lidmašīnas ir vēl neuzticamākas par parastām civilo lidmašīnām un katru dienui kāda F-... nogāžas un visi ar kamerām telefonos iet garām un izliekas nemanām.

Fakti atkal prievzēn

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
20. Apr 2024, 18:31 #42464

Kopš: 19. Feb 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2528

Braucu ar: kuģi pa bruģi.

20 Apr 2024, 18:25:23 @Lafter rakstīja:
Jo lidojumu intensitāte pieaugusi neskaitāmas reizes. + notiek karadarbība. Bet viss, kas nogāžas nav uzreiz automātiski Ukrainas pirksts. Zemē ir un kāda starpība. Galvenais ir rezultāts.

Nav iemesls iet raznosā kungi jau Krimas sauli jūtat atkal?
Ukraina pirms pāris dienàm norāvās ar kasetēm pa lidlauku. Vairākām lidmašīnām pizda.
To ziņās nerādīja

Tad jau labi, ar tādu negadījumu attiecību nevajag nekādu pretgaisa aizsardzību, vienkārši jāpagaida kamēr viņas visas pašas nogāzīsies.
20. Apr 2024, 18:37 #42465

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27820

Braucu ar: wv

Vienam morālais orgasms iestājies

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
20. Apr 2024, 18:51 #42466

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4174

Braucu ar:

20 Apr 2024, 18:31:54 @Kasics rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 18:25:23 @Lafter rakstīja:
Jo lidojumu intensitāte pieaugusi neskaitāmas reizes. + notiek karadarbība. Bet viss, kas nogāžas nav uzreiz automātiski Ukrainas pirksts. Zemē ir un kāda starpība. Galvenais ir rezultāts.

Nav iemesls iet raznosā kungi jau Krimas sauli jūtat atkal?
Ukraina pirms pāris dienàm norāvās ar kasetēm pa lidlauku. Vairākām lidmašīnām pizda.
To ziņās nerādīja

Tad jau labi, ar tādu negadījumu attiecību nevajag nekādu pretgaisa aizsardzību, vienkārši jāpagaida kamēr viņas visas pašas nogāzīsies.
nu dvj pagaodisim kāmer viņi visi paši nomirs
20. Apr 2024, 18:54 #42467

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 15982

Braucu ar:

20. Apr 2024, 18:58 #42468

Kopš: 19. Feb 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2528

Braucu ar: kuģi pa bruģi.

20 Apr 2024, 18:29:33 @Lafter rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 18:19:28 @Kasics rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 17:59:24 @Lafter rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 17:15:11 @Kasics rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 16:45:39 @Lafter rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 16:05:05 @Indo rakstīja:

22 Mar 2024, 17:42:23 @kkas rakstīja:

Tu- neviens neitralizēt nevarēs. Mazāk vajag to rietumu biezpienu ar rozā brillēm lietot.

Diez', kurš būs nākamais? 95? 160?..

Vienas lidmašīnas iztrūkums neko nemaina. Tās viñiem pietiek. Un joprojām nav neviena fakta, liecības par to, ka Ukraina notriekusi. Caurumiem fizelāžā ir jābūt. Pagaidām izskatās pēc tā, ka nopisies pats tas bumbvedējs.

Kaut kā pārāk bieži un regulāri viņiem tās ļotenes "pašas no sevis" sāk gāzties lejā. Ka tik ukraiņiem nav iedots kas interesants, kāds F-16 piemēram.

Jau no 22 gada lido. F16, f35 utt. Ir satelīti utt. Ķīna to nodod vatei. Ja tā būtu- sen būtu bļāviens pa visu pasauli. To noslēpt nevar. Pie tādas lidojumu intensitātes nav nekas ekstraordinàrs, ka procentuāli pieaug negadījumu skaits. Būsi pārsteigts cik bieži tas notiek Austrālijā, Usa un citās valstīs kuras izmanto rietumu tehniku. Bet to ziņās neràda jo neviens īpaši uzmanību nepievērš. Tas ir normāli.

Tas negadījumu skaits pēdējo divu gadu laikā pēkšņi pieauga un vatei tie SU-ūdi sāka birt zemē nedēļas laikā pa vairākiem dienā.
Sagadīšanās? Nedomāju vis.

Protams, protams, rietumu kara lidmašīnas ir vēl neuzticamākas par parastām civilo lidmašīnām un katru dienui kāda F-... nogāžas un visi ar kamerām telefonos iet garām un izliekas nemanām.

Fakti atkal prievzēn


Fakti ir tādi, ka vateņiem divus gadus ļotaki pa vienam diviem mēnesī gāzās lejā, bet pēdējo mēnešu laikā pa vienam diviem dienā sāka krist ne no kā. Lūk tev fakti, emigrant.

Var būt vatenim kuģi arī paši no sevis melnajā jūrā grimst? Vienkārši caurumi izrūsē no sālsūdens un nogrimst.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Kasics, 20 Apr 2024, 20:21:06 ]

20. Apr 2024, 19:05 #42469

Kopš: 28. Feb 2008

Ziņojumi: 15982

Braucu ar:

Domāju ka notrieca gan,šādi kā akmens nāk lejā tieši notriektie,ja tehniskas problēma tad tomēr parasti viņi noplanē un tad ieriecas zemē
20. Apr 2024, 19:07 #42470

Kopš: 12. Jun 2013

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2191

Braucu ar: Grand Scenic, X5

A pilotu neuzmanīgā smēķēšana netiek izskatīts kā variants?

Krievi, kā nekā.
20. Apr 2024, 19:14 #42471

Kopš: 04. Jun 2019

Ziņojumi: 1025

Braucu ar:

Telegram kanālos raksta, ka pie Krinki ir krituši 2700 RU pusē !!!(zeme pāri Dņeprai, kuru UKR notur) Aizgāja 3000, bet atgriezās 300!
Pirms kara tur dzīvoja zem 1000 iedzīvotājiem!

[ Šo ziņu laboja kaprons2, 20 Apr 2024, 19:14:55 ]

20. Apr 2024, 19:49 #42472

Kopš: 01. Nov 2014

Ziņojumi: 4174

Braucu ar:

starp citu, 2000 sāksies balsošana

[ Šo ziņu laboja Samsasi, 20 Apr 2024, 20:18:55 ]

20. Apr 2024, 20:38 #42473

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27820

Braucu ar: wv

@kasic satrakojās.
Tie nav fakti! Tas ir Tavs viedoklis.

Atslābsti- norausi sirdstrieku vēl. Atlaid prievi- sāk spiest.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 20 Apr 2024, 20:39:02 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
20. Apr 2024, 21:03 #42474

Kopš: 13. Dec 2014

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 6782

Braucu ar: G31/E53/E46/E39/E36/F31

Piešķīra 61mljrd

RSAWorkshop-BMW remonts un apkope
20. Apr 2024, 21:13 #42475

Kopš: 19. Feb 2004

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 2528

Braucu ar: kuģi pa bruģi.

20 Apr 2024, 20:38:02 @Lafter rakstīja:
@kasic satrakojās.
Tie nav fakti! Tas ir Tavs viedoklis.

Atslābsti- norausi sirdstrieku vēl. Atlaid prievi- sāk spiest.

HVZ Līdz Norvēģijai ziņas varbūt vēl nav nonākušas.

[ Šo ziņu laboja Kasics, 20 Apr 2024, 21:15:56 ]

20. Apr 2024, 21:26 #42476

Kopš: 23. Jul 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3486

Braucu ar: kruīzu

20 Apr 2024, 18:25:23 @Lafter rakstīja:
Jo lidojumu intensitāte pieaugusi neskaitāmas reizes. + notiek karadarbība. Bet viss, kas nogāžas nav uzreiz automātiski Ukrainas pirksts. Zemē ir un kāda starpība. Galvenais ir rezultāts.

Nav iemesls iet raznosā kungi jau Krimas sauli jūtat atkal?
Ukraina pirms pāris dienàm norāvās ar kasetēm pa lidlauku. Vairākām lidmašīnām pizda.
To ziņās nerādīja

Tās nebija lietojamas lidmašīnas
3 parastās tur stāvēja jau gadiem, 2 iznīcinātāji arī tika izmantoti rezerves daļām.

Bet konkrētais video gan parāda nepatīkamu faktu - krieviem ir/bija iespēja to uzfilmēt ar dronu vairākus simtus km aiz frontes. Vai nu tiešām tālās darbības rādiusā novērošanas drošs, vai kāds Ukrainas iekšienē vēro...
20. Apr 2024, 21:28 #42477

Kopš: 23. Jul 2006

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 3486

Braucu ar: kruīzu

20 Apr 2024, 21:03:17 @RSAWorkshop rakstīja:
Piešķīra 61mljrd

Vformali vēl jau ne, bet grūtākajaem ir pāri- apakspalata apstiprināja, paliek senāts (?) , kur nevajadzētu būt problēmām un tad tik Baidenam jāparaksta
20. Apr 2024, 22:27 #42478

Kopš: 23. Sep 2007

Ziņojumi: 27820

Braucu ar: wv

20 Apr 2024, 21:28:32 @RaL rakstīja:

20 Apr 2024, 21:03:17 @RSAWorkshop rakstīja:
Piešķīra 61mljrd

Vformali vēl jau ne, bet grūtākajaem ir pāri- apakspalata apstiprināja, paliek senāts (?) , kur nevajadzētu būt problēmām un tad tik Baidenam jāparaksta

sorre ka nerediģēts. No Telefona lieku. NYT
House Approves $95 Billion Aid Bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan
After months of delay at the hands of a bloc of ultraconservative Republicans, the package drew overwhelming bipartisan support, reflecting broad consensus.

Catie Edmondson
By Catie Edmondson
Reporting from the Capitol

April 20, 2024
Updated 2:17 p.m. ET
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The House voted resoundingly on Saturday to approve $95 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, as Speaker Mike Johnson put his job on the line to advance the long-stalled aid package by marshaling support from mainstream Republicans and Democrats.

In four back-to-back votes, overwhelming bipartisan coalitions of lawmakers approved fresh rounds of funding for the three U.S. allies, as well as another bill meant to sweeten the deal for conservatives that could result in a nationwide ban of TikTok.

The scene on the House floor reflected both the broad support in Congress for continuing to help the Ukrainian military beat back Russia, and the extraordinary political risk taken by Mr. Johnson to defy the anti-interventionist wing of his party who had sought to thwart the measure. Minutes before the vote on assistance for Kyiv, Democrats began to wave small Ukrainian flags on the House floor, as hard-right Republicans jeered.

The legislation includes $60 billion for Kyiv; $26 billion for Israel and humanitarian aid for civilians in conflict zones, including Gaza; and $8 billion for the Indo-Pacific region. It would direct the president to seek repayment from the Ukrainian government of $10 billion in economic assistance, a concept supported by former President Donald J. Trump, who had pushed for any aid to Kyiv to be in the form of a loan. But it also would allow the president to forgive those loans starting in 2026.


It also contained a measure to help pave the way to selling off frozen Russian sovereign assets to help fund the Ukrainian war effort, and a new round of sanctions on Iran. The Senate is expected to pass the legislation as early as Tuesday and send it to President Biden’s desk, capping its tortured journey through Congress.

“Our adversaries are working together to undermine our Western values and demean our democracy,” Representative Michael McCaul, Republican of Texas and the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said Saturday as the House debated the measure. “We cannot be afraid at this moment. We have to do what’s right. Evil is on the march. History is calling and now is the time to act.”

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“History will judge us by our actions here today,” he continued. “As we deliberate on this vote, you have to ask yourself this question: ‘Am I Chamberlain or Churchill?’”

The vote was 311 to 112 in favor of the aid to Ukraine, with a majority of Republicans — 112 — voting against it and one, Representative Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania, voting “present.” The House approved assistance to Israel 366 to 58; and to Taiwan 385 to 34, with Representative Rashida Tlaib, Democrat of Michigan, voting “present.” The bill to impose sanctions on Iran and require the sale of TikTok by its Chinese owner or ban the app in the United States passed 360 to 58.


For months, it had been uncertain whether Congress would approve new funding for Ukraine, even as momentum shifted in Moscow’s favor. That prompted a wave of anxiety in Kyiv and in Europe that the United States, the single biggest provider of military aid to Ukraine, would turn its back on the young democracy.

And it raised questions about whether the political turmoil that has roiled the United States had effectively destroyed what has long been a strong bipartisan consensus in favor of projecting American values around the world. The last time the Congress approved a major tranche of funding to Ukraine was in 2022, before Republicans took control of the House.

With an “America First” sentiment gripping the party’s voter base, led by Mr. Trump, Republicans dug in last year against another aid package for Kyiv, saying the matter should not even be considered unless Mr. Biden agreed to stringent anti-immigration measures. When Senate Democrats agreed earlier this year to legislation that paired the aid with stiffer border enforcement provisions, Mr. Trump denounced it and Republicans rejected it out of hand.

But after the Senate passed its own $95 billion emergency aid legislation for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan without any immigration measures, Mr. Johnson began — first privately, then loudly — telling allies that he would ensure the U.S. would send aid to Kyiv.


In the end, even in the face of an ouster threat from ultraconservative members, he circumvented the hard-line contingent of lawmakers that once was his political home and relied on Democrats to push the measure through. It was a remarkable turnabout for a right-wing lawmaker who voted repeatedly against aid to Ukraine as a rank-and-file member, and as recently as a couple of months ago declared he would never allow the matter to come to a vote until his party’s border demands were met.

In the days leading up to the vote, Mr. Johnson began forcefully making the case that it was Congress’s role to help Ukraine fend off the advances of an authoritarian. Warning that Russian forces could march through the Baltics and Poland if Ukraine falls, Mr. Johnson said he had made the decision to advance aid to Kyiv because he “would rather send bullets to Ukraine than American boys.”

“History judges us for what we do,” he told reporters at the Capitol earlier this week. “This is a critical time right now. I could make a selfish decision and do something that’s different. But I’m doing here what I believe to be the right thing. I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critically important.”

Mr. Johnson structured the measures, which were sent to the Senate as one bill, to capture different coalitions of support without allowing opposition to any one element to defeat the whole thing.


“I’m going to allow an opportunity for every single member of the House to vote their conscience and their will,” he had said.

In a nod to right-wing demands, Mr. Johnson allowed a vote just before the foreign aid bills on a stringent border enforcement measure, but it was defeated after failing to reach the two-thirds majority needed for passage. And the speaker refused to link the immigration bill to the foreign aid package, knowing that would effectively kill the spending plan.

His decision to advance the package infuriated the ultraconservatives in his conference who accused Mr. Johnson of reneging on his promise not to allow a vote on foreign aid without first securing sweeping policy concessions on the southern border. It prompted two Republicans, Representatives Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Paul Gosar of Arizona to join a bid by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia to oust Mr. Johnson from the top job.

One by one, furious Republicans took to the House floor on Saturday to register their ire at the speaker.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who is leading the effort to depose Mr. Johnson, attempted on Saturday to advance an amendment to the aid package to essentially eliminate funding for Ukraine, claiming the legislation supported “a business model built on blood and murder and war in foreign countries.”

“We should be funding to build up our weapons and ammunition, not to send it over to foreign countries,” she said in arguing for her proposal, which failed on a vote of 351 to 71.

Much of the funding for Ukraine in the aid package is earmarked to replenish U.S. stockpiles after shipping supplies to Kyiv.

Since Russia’s invasion in 2022, Congress has appropriated $113 billion in funding to support Ukraine’s war effort. $75 billion was directly allocated to the country for humanitarian, financial and military support, and another $38 billion in security assistance-related funding was spent largely in the United States, according to the Institute for Study of War, a Washington-based research group.

Hard-right Republican opposition to the legislation — both on the House floor and in the critical Rules panel — forced Mr. Johnson to rely on Democrats to push the legislation across the finish line.

“If Ukraine does not receive this support that it requires to defeat Russia’s outrageous assault on its sovereign territory, the legacy of this Congress will be the appeasement of a dictator, the destruction of an allied nation and a fractured Europe,” said Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, the top Democrat on the Appropriations Committee. “Gone will be our credibility, in the eyes of our allies and of our adversaries. And gone will be the America that promised to stand up for freedom, democracy, and human rights, wherever they are threatened or wherever they are under attack.”

Thirty-seven liberal Democrats opposed the $26 billion aid package for Israel because the legislation placed no conditions on how Israel could use American funding, amid scores of civilian casualties and an imminent famine in Gaza. That was a relatively small sliver of opposition given that left-wing lawmakers had pressed their colleagues to vote “no” on the bill to send a message to Mr. Biden about the depth of opposition within his political coalition to his backing for Israel’s tactics in the war.

“Sending more weapons to the Netanyahu government will make the U.S. even more responsible for atrocities and the horrific humanitarian crisis in Gaza which is now in a season of famine,” said Representative Jonathan L. Jackson, Democrat of Illinois. “The United States Congress must be the moral compass. I continue to call for the release of all prisoners and hostages. I continue to pray and work for peace, security, and stability.”

[ Šo ziņu laboja Lafter, 20 Apr 2024, 22:28:20 ]

Gribās pļūtīt? Nejūties novērtēts? Neviens nepievērš uzmanību?
Spied zemāk.

Spama topiks
20. Apr 2024, 23:30 #42479

Kopš: 29. Nov 2004

Ziņojumi: 13243

Braucu ar: sipisnīku pi vuškom

Nu pag, vēl tā plakanzemju us pīzda iesnidza senātam prasību, ka katrs senators, kurš nobalsos par palīdzību ukrainai obligāti jāiestājas Ukraiņu dienestā. Tad sanāk, ka ne tikai Ukraiņu, bet arī Izraelas armijā , Taivānas jomajo

Sarežģīta situācija

[ Šo ziņu laboja Fandulis, 20 Apr 2024, 23:37:58 ]

21. Apr 2024, 09:49 #42480

Kopš: 18. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 5076

Braucu ar: Husky FC450 '15, CBF1000 '08, KTM Ark Minarelli 2T un lodāmuru pa plati

Mistiskā TU-22M3 notriekšana

Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, Czars, GirtzB, Lafter, PERFS, RVR, SteelRat, VLD, linda, mrc, noisex, smudo