Pašreiz BMWPower skatās 58 viesi un 7 reģistrēti lietotāji.
Tēma: iPad3 vs Galaxy Note 10.1
Autors | Ziņojums |
nrcha | | Kopš: 16. Jun 2003
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 2643
Braucu ar: smaidu
| Vai tad 5dienas spamam nebija kaut kāds speciāls topiks?
----------------- "Trees're always a relief, after people." (c) D. Mitchell | Offline | | |
Araajz | | Kopš: 30. Aug 2008
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 28285
Braucu ar: E39
| Diez cik tālu ies abas frontes un ar ko tas viss beigsies
visa diskusija sastāv no "a tev! a tev! a tev! pats stulbs! a tu pats! hā hā! saki, ko gribi, tāpat mans tamagočī labāks! Ko tu vispār saproti!"
Un šī ir pieaugušu cilvēku diskusija!
jenoti | Offline | | |
Edzja | | Kopš: 02. Jun 2005
Ziņojumi: 29025
Braucu ar: sievu :D
| Berton, tad tapeec ka ir kaut kaada saape. Tik kaada es neesmu sapratis
Vieniigais kam nav saape ir Bimmiits, vinjsh vienkaarshi ir kjerts uz Nokiam un patiik somietes | Offline | | |
Jorens | | Kopš: 15. Jul 2003
Ziņojumi: 14706
Braucu ar: XC60, Cagiva Raptor 1000, Multispace
| Offline | | |
sn | | Kopš: 24. Jul 2008
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 1879697
Braucu ar: nekrāsotu BMW :(
| berton, tu tak rakstīji, ka apple ar švakākiem dzelžiem ir ātrāks, jo kodā ir 10x mazāk rindiņu, tagad pēkšņi tu pamet topiku.
----------------- Nemāki braukt? Parādi to citiem - nopērc volvo! | Offline | | |
Puxxx | | Kopš: 01. Jul 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 4203
Braucu ar: 840i, e61 LCI, 740d, 328is, 344TT, M3 Sport Evolution - e30: M5 e39 ; GANG BANG bus 5.7l
| katram patiik savs - vienam ios, otram andriits; vienam bmw, citam audi gana labs; vienam maasa, otram braalis...
rakstiits no planshetes...
----------------- Happy Drift Friends
RJ Motorsports - Auto remonts - nebūs pa kapeikām, bet sataisīsim pa rubli! | Offline | | |
Laoshi | | Kopš: 01. Aug 2009
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 17948
Braucu ar:
| Es spēlēju spēlītes uz Ipada2 laikam, man patika. Wowu uz viņa nepaspēlēsi, ir tikai aplikācija armory aplūrēšanai. Es tā arī neiebraucu, kā viņā filmu var dabūt, viņam ir torrenti, revkonekts vai citi appi priekš tā?
Nu, slimnīcā guļot mantiņa ir ok, tikai jātur rokās visu laiku. Ja man dāvinātu, es galīgi neatteiktos | Offline | | |
hronists | | Kopš: 01. Sep 2008
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 14820
Braucu ar: Svensk hjul
09 Nov 2012, 13:55:32 sn rakstīja:
berton, tātad Angry Birds uz aifona ir kodēts pareizi, bet android/win/symbian versijās ir līks kods?
ja ipad gadījumā ir jāuzkodē 2 versijas katra savai izšķirtspējai, td andrīša tabletēm cik vajag versijas? un cik ir? labi, ja tās pašas divas, kas uz pašas tabletes tiek apskeilotas/daunskeilotas un gala beigās gan jau, ka atradīsies tablete/s uz kuras putni izskatīsies pēc klučaina sūda. | Offline | | |
Edzja | | Kopš: 02. Jun 2005
Ziņojumi: 29025
Braucu ar: sievu :D
| zheel ka veel nav paraadiijushies taadi kadri kaa subaru un martinsse + lafter vareetu atnaakt un pastaastiit cik apple produktus vinjsh nedeeljaa nopeerk un sasit ar huvaldu, jo apdroshinaashana tak
Ps. Trolling 4ever | Offline | | |
walder | | Kopš: 18. Apr 2007
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 8558
Braucu ar: 7 seat MPV
| Reku par veco Ipad, bet nu ieskatam derēs
The iPad sucks! That’s what I said to myself after watching Steve Jobs reveal what was said to be the most important device of his career. I felt let down! I expected so much more from this tablet. Maybe I expected too much from it. The iPhone has set the bar so high that we are now used to being amazed and surprised by Apple. This announcement sure was a reality check!
The general opinion about the iPad is not as good as good as Apple probably expected. I ran a poll yesterday on the blog (take it if you haven’t yet). The majority of you was pretty disappointed and didn’t even think they would buy an iPad when it’s for sale in a couple months.
There is no shortage of reasons why the iPad sucks. Let’s go over some of them here.
The name sucks! The first thing my fiancee told me about the iPad? “Honey, I think I’m getting my iPeriod, do you have an iPad for me?” It doesn’t take a marketing genius to figure out that the iPad is a terrible name for a product. I plan to write a blog post about the worst jokes ever about the iPad so if you have some funny ones, please email them to me.
The network sucks! While I personally don’t have any problem with AT&T, most people don’t agree with me, so I guess it’s fair to say that sticking with AT&T was not the right decision for Apple. They could have gone with T-Mobile, or Verizon (even though I think the iPad or iPhone will never ever go to Verizon) and everybody would be happy. Apple is not a company that aims at making people happy though. It aims at making Steve happy!
No Flash! Alex of Applicious says it all: No Flash on the iPhone was barely tolerable. On a device that you call Internet-specific to not have Flash is more than annoying, it’s insulting. Flash, love it or hate it, is one huge slice of the Internet. This is not optional.
No multitasking! During his presentation of the iPad, Steve Jobs called netbook cheap laptops. Guess what Steve, I might have a “cheap laptop” but I’m currently typing this post on it with 2 Firefox windows opened, TweetDeck, a Word Document and Flickr Uploader running at the same time. Can your iPad do that? Netbooks are fulfilling a need. The iPad is not. It’s just struggling to create a one. Not having multitasking on the iPad really sucks.
No camera! If you’re going to create a mobile device for Mom and Pops, you’d better give it at least a front facing camera because Mom sure loves to Skype her daughter. I didn’t expect a back-facing camera on the iPad, but I sure hoped for a front-facing one.
It’s big! Of course it’s big, it’s the purpose of it. Still, I’m confused. Does Apple have to license plus-size pockets as an official iPad accessory?
It’s heavy! At 1.5 Lbs, I don’t think you’re gonna be able to hold this baby for 2 hours without developing a tendinitis.
No Video Output! If you thought about plugging your iPad in your TV to watch a slideshow of your latest vacation’s pictures, then think again because it’s not going to happen.
It’s not pretty! Let’s be honest for a minute, the big fat bezel around the touchscreen is ugly.
The keyboard sucks! I didn’t expect the iPad to have a physical keyboard but that won’t prevent me from complaining about it. I hate typing on my iPhone and something tells me I’ll hate typing on the iPad even more because it simply isn’t convenient. When I type on a keyboard, I like to have the screen facing me, not laying down flat because it is unpractical and in the long run, it will most likely cause pain in the neck and back (I’m serious).
No USB port! Did you want to plug your digital camera into your iPad to download your pictures. Too bad. Oh wait, you’ll actually be able to if you buy the $30 adapter Apple will be selling. That is mafia-style racketing.
No 16:9! Watching movies on the iPad is going to suck as it will render the movies in 4:3 aspect ratio with big black bars around it.
No Widgets! Ok, the iPad screen is huge but it actually feels empty. Why don’t we have widgets on this thing? Sticky notes, calculator, whatever widget?
The battery sucks! I don’t believe Apple when they say the iPad has a battery life of 10 hours. They were praising the iPhone 3GS battery. I still can’t get through the day without plugging mine in. Play NFS on your iPad for one hour, do a little bit of web browsing for 2 hours, and I bet you your battery will be dead before you can update your Facebook status.
The storage limitation sucks! Starting at 16GB, this is a complete joke. If you want me to store my music, videos and photos on your iPad (all this in top of my applications), I’m going to need MUCH more space than the 64GB limit.
Reading books on the iPad sucks! The Kindle might not be dead yet after all. I dare you to read a book on your iPad for more than 2 hours. By that time, your eyes will be crying, you’ll most likely have a headache and feel tired. That’s what computer screen do to you. I’m not a big fan of ebooks (I like the smell and feel of books – call me old school) but I do believe the e-ink feature of the Kindle is much better than what we’ll get on the iPad.
What do you think? Do you think Apple underdelivered with the iPad? Please share your thoughts in the comment section. | Offline | | |
sn | | Kopš: 24. Jul 2008
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 1879697
Braucu ar: nekrāsotu BMW :(
09 Nov 2012, 14:11:22 hronists rakstīja:
09 Nov 2012, 13:55:32 sn rakstīja:
berton, tātad Angry Birds uz aifona ir kodēts pareizi, bet android/win/symbian versijās ir līks kods?
ja ipad gadījumā ir jāuzkodē 2 versijas katra savai izšķirtspējai, td andrīša tabletēm cik vajag versijas? un cik ir? labi, ja tās pašas divas, kas uz pašas tabletes tiek apskeilotas/daunskeilotas un gala beigās gan jau, ka atradīsies tablete/s uz kuras putni izskatīsies pēc klučaina sūda.
MINDBLOW! apple tak arī ražo monitorus dažādās izšķirtspējās, tātad macos spēles tiek taisītas 5 versijās? upscale/downscale attiecas uz video skatīšanos ne jau spēli.
----------------- Nemāki braukt? Parādi to citiem - nopērc volvo! | Offline | | |
Edzja | | Kopš: 02. Jun 2005
Ziņojumi: 29025
Braucu ar: sievu :D
09 Nov 2012, 14:36:58 adolfs rakstīja:
par ko juus ciinaties
katrs lieto savu, uzskata otru par lohu un miers
+ nokia lietotaaji uzskata pilniigi visus par lohiem | Offline | | |
hronists | | Kopš: 01. Sep 2008
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 14820
Braucu ar: Svensk hjul
09 Nov 2012, 14:15:17 sn rakstīja:
MINDBLOW! apple tak arī ražo monitorus dažādās izšķirtspējās, tātad macos spēles tiek taisītas 5 versijās? upscale/downscale attiecas uz video skatīšanos ne jau spēli.
runa ir par vienu konkrētu spēli divām konkrētām platformām. un tikai nestāsti, ka uz andrīšiem ar viņu rezolūciju zvērudārzu nav nekādu problēmu ar upscale/downscale. | Offline | | |
Puxxx | | Kopš: 01. Jul 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 4203
Braucu ar: 840i, e61 LCI, 740d, 328is, 344TT, M3 Sport Evolution - e30: M5 e39 ; GANG BANG bus 5.7l
| es esmu vieniigais kam saak gribeeties sho murgu sleegt??
----------------- Happy Drift Friends
RJ Motorsports - Auto remonts - nebūs pa kapeikām, bet sataisīsim pa rubli! | Offline | | |
soulfreak | | Kopš: 01. Oct 2004
No: Zilupe
Ziņojumi: 6604
Braucu ar: tīru sirdsapziņu
| Es vēlreiz atkārtošos. Vērojot batālijas, šķiet, ka dažiem te tie padi, planšetes un dēlīši aizstāj nieres, aknas un reproduktīvo sistēmu.
Pats lietoju Galaxy Tab jau gadu, bet kopš ir S3, tas aparāts šķiet visai nenoderīgs, tiek no plaukta nocelts reizi nedēļā. | Offline | | |
soulfreak | | Kopš: 01. Oct 2004
No: Zilupe
Ziņojumi: 6604
Braucu ar: tīru sirdsapziņu
09 Nov 2012, 14:46:03 Puxxx rakstīja:
es esmu vieniigais kam saak gribeeties sho murgu sleegt??
C++ | Offline | | |
Araajz | | Kopš: 30. Aug 2008
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 28285
Braucu ar: E39
09 Nov 2012, 14:46:03 Puxxx rakstīja:
es esmu vieniigais kam saak gribeeties sho murgu sleegt??
Lai tak izkasās, citādi gaidīs atkal kādu tamlīdzīgu topiku, lai varētu savu sāpi izlikt | Offline | | |
Puxxx | | Kopš: 01. Jul 2005
No: Rīga
Ziņojumi: 4203
Braucu ar: 840i, e61 LCI, 740d, 328is, 344TT, M3 Sport Evolution - e30: M5 e39 ; GANG BANG bus 5.7l
| ja kaadam buus kaads racionaals jautaajums par sho teemu, tad uzmet pm - atblokjeeshu topiku!
----------------- Happy Drift Friends
RJ Motorsports - Auto remonts - nebūs pa kapeikām, bet sataisīsim pa rubli! | Offline | | |
Moderatori: 968-jk, AV, BigArchi, BlackMagicWoman, GirtzB, Lafter, Mberg, PERFS, RVR, Staris, SteelRat, VLD, linda, maxell, mrc, noisex, smudo