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Tēma: Porsche jaunumi

31. Oct 2003, 11:29 #1

Kopš: 14. Jun 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7179

Braucu ar: autobusu, reizēm ITR&CTR


[]JAUNĀ Porsche Turbo VIDEO - KARSTS[/url]

Es un ma924 viņu nevaram redzēt

[ This message was edited by: gt99 on 2003-10-31 13:42 ]

Any fool can drive fast enough to be dangerous!
31. Oct 2003, 11:31 #2

Kopš: 14. Jun 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7179

Braucu ar: autobusu, reizēm ITR&CTR

ma924: Man Tevi jāapbēdina. Sestdien, kad devos uz "Gada Auto" pasākumu - autiņš saplīsa. Nebiju tai pasākumā - neredzēju Boxster’i - nenoskaidroju par piekļuvi dzinējam

Any fool can drive fast enough to be dangerous!
31. Oct 2003, 11:35 #3

Kopš: 08. May 2003

Ziņojumi: 496

Braucu ar: turboporku

Mjaa.. gribējās gan par to Boxsteru uzzināt. Arī video neiet. Nekas, pacietīšos līdz vakaram mājas kompis gan jau šo failu spēs atpazīt.
31. Oct 2003, 13:37 #4

Kopš: 06. Aug 2003

No: Strenči

Ziņojumi: 381

Braucu ar: nav nekaa

31. Oct 2003, 14:27 #5

Kopš: 02. Apr 2003

Ziņojumi: 283

Braucu ar: Porsche 951CS, 928GT, 924CUP

Kas jums tur nejiet? Novelkam QuickTime un skatamies.
BTW ja kādam interesē PORSCHE video, tad DC++ OMEGĀ vai Alfā meklējiet mani . 2GB ar PORSCHE video, kā arī super filma Risky Business ar PORSCHE 928 galvenajā lomā. Uz spec pasūtījumu varu izlikt PET (PORSCHE parts catalog) un 944 manuāļus.
31. Oct 2003, 16:39 #6

Kopš: 02. Apr 2003

Ziņojumi: 283

Braucu ar: Porsche 951CS, 928GT, 924CUP

2003-10-24 14:50, ma924 rakstīja:
... Par cik ne Boxsteram ne 914 nesmu bijis tuvumā, nespēju īsi iztēloties kā dzinējam piekļūst.
Ja dzinējs priekšpusē vai aizmugurē uzreiz skaidrs, bet šeit nesaprotu. Mosh kāds man var apskaidrot?

Piekļūšana dzinējam ir tieši tāpat kā 911, no apakšas!
14. Nov 2003, 09:06 #7

Kopš: 06. Aug 2003

No: Strenči

Ziņojumi: 381

Braucu ar: nav nekaa

Šīsdienas dienas bizness:
Vācijas sporta(?) automobiļu ražotājs Porsche 2002-2003 biznesa gadā guvis rekordlielu 933 miljonu eiro (601,79 mlj Ls) pirmsnodokļu peļņu, kas ir par 12% lielāka kā iepriekšējā.
2002-2003 biznesa gadā P pārdeva par 23% vairāk auto.

Tas tak labi.
14. Nov 2003, 09:17 #8

Kopš: 15. May 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 22091

Braucu ar: 2x(R6+LSD)

Boxter dzinējam dzinēja pārsgs(tautas valodā kapots) atrodas auto centrā un ir apvienots ar mazā bagažnieka vāku. Lielais bagažnieks ir auto priekšgalā.
951_928 - kad būsi online?

Braukt ir priex.
Tikai R6, S54B32 + 2JZ-GE
14. Nov 2003, 09:22 #9

Kopš: 14. Jun 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7179

Braucu ar: autobusu, reizēm ITR&CTR

Beetee1: Tas protams ir labi un sen zināms fakts, bet āķis ir tas, ka tas ir tikai pateicoties Cayenne. 911 un Boxster tirdzniecības rādītāji krītas!!!

Any fool can drive fast enough to be dangerous!
14. Nov 2003, 09:27 #10

Kopš: 08. May 2003

Ziņojumi: 496

Braucu ar: turboporku

2003-11-14 09:22, gt99 rakstīja:
Beetee1: Tas protams ir labi un sen zināms fakts, bet āķis ir tas, ka tas ir tikai pateicoties . 911 un Boxster tirdzniecības rādītāji krītas!!!

Likam jau tāpēc Porsche radīja Cayenne.
14. Nov 2003, 09:31 #11

Kopš: 06. Aug 2003

No: Strenči

Ziņojumi: 381

Braucu ar: nav nekaa

2003-11-14 09:17, GirtzB rakstīja:
Lielais bagažnieks ir auto priekšgalā.

Par bagažniekiem runājot vienreiz smiekli sanāca- pa Siguldu braucot(a moš es šito jau rakstīju?HVZ) mani ilgstoši ar tuvajām gaismām spoguļos tiranizēja ar saviem bixenoniem vai trixenoniem vai nu mumins vai trolls, šobrīd neartceros. Domāju- džeks ved kartupeļus uz rīgu, tāpēc lampas skatās debesīs. Pēc tam tikai pieleca- jo virāk kartupeļu maisus tu ieliec, jo lampas zemāk, jo bagažnieks tak carrerai priekšā.
Tiešām smieklīgi.
14. Nov 2003, 19:15 #12

Kopš: 23. Jul 2002

Ziņojumi: 14966

Braucu ar: Vogele Super 1800-3

Jimmijs Makrejs, Alistera un Kolina teevs, piedalisies rallija Clasic kategorijaa ar sho auto

Porsche 911 3.0

What’s the most important thing in life?
Too dependent on other people.
What, love?
A little Disneyland, isn’t it?
God’s will.
What is it then?
As in?
As in people do what is most necessary to them at any given moment.

<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Ruff_ryder on 2003-11-14 19:30 ]</font><font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Ruff_ryder on 2003-11-14 19:33 ]</font>

[ Šo ziņu laboja Ruff, 23 Feb 2010, 11:17:57 ]

I'm done with 'the winning' because I've already won. (c) C.Sheen
15. Nov 2003, 20:42 #13

Kopš: 06. Aug 2003

No: Strenči

Ziņojumi: 381

Braucu ar: nav nekaa

2003-10-31 16:39, 951_928 rakstīja:
Piekļūšana dzinējam ir tieši tāpat kā 911, no apakšas!

Kāda vēl piekļūšana no apakšas, par ko jūs te vispār runājat, ja neko nezinat?
Ja manam 928 kaukas sīks jāremontē, paņemu fleksi

un saremontēju.

Ja kaukas nopietnāks, tad arī nav nekādu problēmu

16. Nov 2003, 06:08 #14

Kopš: 05. Jun 2002

No: Bauska

Ziņojumi: 2052

Braucu ar: Chrysler T&C, VAZ 2107

Jā, Tu esi mainījies pa šiem daudzajiem gadiem, bet uz labo pusi Man liekas, ka kādreiz Tu nebiji tāds dirsējs. Man arī patiess prieks, ka tirdzniecības centrs uz Barona ielas ir nosaukts Tavā vārdā[ This message was edited by: Marex on 2003-11-16 16:57 ]
21. Nov 2003, 14:00 #15

Kopš: 14. Jun 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7179

Braucu ar: autobusu, reizēm ITR&CTR

Any fool can drive fast enough to be dangerous!
21. Nov 2003, 14:08 #16

Kopš: 08. May 2003

Ziņojumi: 496

Braucu ar: turboporku

2003-11-21 14:00, gt99 rakstīja:

Šī laikam skaitās Porsche 911 standarta bilde. Arī iepriekšējā (996) ir tieši turpat taisīta (Tada man stāv kā telefona logo).
Tad jau es piekopju tādas pat fotografēšanas tradīcijas kā Porsche firma, jo abus 924 esmu fotografējis no no viena rakursa.
Mana standartbilde ir redzama zem mana nika.
21. Nov 2003, 17:41 #17

Kopš: 06. Jun 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 469

Braucu ar: Porsche 928GT '89

Tas ir photoshops Bet protams ir interesanti paskatiities kaa tas vareetu izskatiities. Man bail ir deelj Cayennes, jo nu tur zeeni bija uzzimeejushi tiiri gliitu to auto, bet reaali sanaaca pilniigi kas "cits"
04. Dec 2003, 09:12 #18

Kopš: 14. Jun 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7179

Braucu ar: autobusu, reizēm ITR&CTR

Tā izskatās, ka tomēr Porsche nopietni ķērusies pie 4 durvju modeļa izstrādes, kurš varētu parādīties 2006-2007 gadā.

Tāpat Porsche laikam panāks vienošanos ar VW, ka šo platformu izmantos arī A8 un Phaeton automobiļos.

Any fool can drive fast enough to be dangerous!
04. Dec 2003, 11:22 #19

Kopš: 08. May 2003

Ziņojumi: 496

Braucu ar: turboporku

2003-12-04 09:12, gt99 rakstīja:
Tā izskatās, ka tomēr Porsche nopietni ķērusies pie 4 durvju modeļa izstrādes, kurš varētu parādīties 2006-2007 gadā.

Tāpat Porsche laikam panāks vienošanos ar VW, ka šo platformu izmantos arī A8 un Phaeton automobiļos.

Kur tādu info var dabūt?
Gribētu arī es palasīt
04. Dec 2003, 11:25 #20

Kopš: 14. Jun 2002

No: Rīga

Ziņojumi: 7179

Braucu ar: autobusu, reizēm ITR&CTR

Tulkot negribas un bildes vel nav pieejamas, tā ka raksts nebūs pagaidām. Bet rekur oriģinālā ziņa Angļu valodā

FRANKFURT, Dec 2 (Reuters) - German sports car maker Porsche <PSHG_p.DE> is close to building a new four-seater coupe or sports sedan to jump start its profits as its business begins to stall after nine record years, industry experts said on Tuesday.

The world’s most profitable car maker, which built its reputation on race-winning sports cars, branched out into a new niche a year ago with a two-tonne sports utility vehicle (SUV), the Cayenne, a strategy which helped maintain growth as demand for its traditional 911 and Boxster cars waned.

But as its sports car sales continue to slide and the initial impact of the Cayenne subsides, the company has said profits could be flat this year, disappointing investors who were hoping for a 10th straight record year.

"There is a good chance that a fourth model announcement could encourage the idea that Porsche is once again a growth story," Goldman Sachs analysts said in a recent note.

We believe Porsche’s fourth model plans are already advanced, with the car’s development underway, suppliers closely involved and, according to our sources, prototypes now testing on private tracks.

The maker of some of the world’s most desirable cars has long been expected to decide on a fourth model, but has left enthusiasts salivating for more detail.

Porsche, which will be grilled on its plans at its annual press conference in Stuttgart on Wednesday, is now expected to make a decision early next year, with the car not expected to hit the market until 2006 or 2007 .

Chief Executive Wendelin Wiedeking has merely hinted that the vehicle could take Porsche into a new niche and attack rivals where they don’t expect it, telling a German newspaper recently: "We’ll have even fewer friends in the car industry.


Speculation has been rife about what the model could be -- ranging from a baby SUV to a luxury executive saloon -- but the clear favourite is a four-seat sports coupe or sedan.

The new model is likely to use parts from the Cayenne, developed with Europe’s biggest car maker Volkswagen <VOWG.DE>, and could be based either on an entirely new platform or on another base shared with VW, experts say.

"As an engineering base it’s a toss up between two options," said Mark Fulthorpe of industry research group CSM Worldwide.

"One could be the current base that they share with VW for the Cayenne. The other is to get a similar agreement with VW to utilise the platform which VW will use for vehicles like the Audi A8 and the Phaeton."

Such a move could also benefit VW, allowing it to get more volume from a luxury car platform which has proved costly.

VW company expects to take a hit of several hundred million euros to write off some of the capitalised research and development costs this year, suggesting hundreds of million euros of investment will never generate a return.

VW has said it is working on a platform for a new mid-sized luxury model which industry experts say could also be used by Italian sportscar maker Maserati, and form an ideal base for Porsche’s new car. VW declined to comment.

But other analysts said that Porsche, which made 933 million euros ($1.12 billion) before tax in its last business year to the end of July, has enough cash to develop a new platform on its own and note its high levels of capital expenditure this year.

"We still cannot figure out how Porsche spent 500 million euros in 02/03 unless it is ramping up engine capacity to allow supply for the fourth model, paying for supplier tooling and investing in stamping tooling for a new platform," Goldman said.

Industry experts also question the logic of rivals helping Porsche develop a car which will ultimately attack them on what they might long have thought of as safe territory.

"Porsche has historically relied on the generosity of the German industry, like developing the Cayenne with VW. If they’re going to take the industry on in such a lucrative sector why would anyone help them out," one industry watcher said.

Copyright 2003, Reuters News Service

Any fool can drive fast enough to be dangerous!

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